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Christian Arab Apologetics Videos Index

 A list of the Christian Arab YouTube Channel Apologetics Videos:  What is the Gospel? ما هو الإنجيل؟ Are there many Gospels? هل هناك أناجيل أخرى؟ Did the Gospel Change Along History? هل تغير الإنجيل عبر التاريخ؟ what does the Bible consist of? مما يتألف الكتاب المقدس؟ ًWhich Bible Translation should I use? اي ترجمة للكتاب المقدس استخدم؟ Is the trinity a Pagan Doctrine Invented at the council of Nicea?هل عقيدة الثالوث المسيحي عقيدة وثنية ابتدعها مجمع نيقية؟ Is Christ God or the Son of God? and what is the difference? هل المسيح هو الله ام ابن الله؟ وما الفارق بينهما؟ Did God die when Christ was Crucified? هل مات الله عند صلب المسيح؟ Did Christ Say "I am God worship me"?هل قال المسيح: انا الله فاعبدوني؟ Did the Prophets Moses and Abraham believe in the Trinity? هل آمن الأنبياء موسى وابراهيم بالتثليث؟ Did Christ Call for using the sword and slaughtering His enemies? هل دعا المسيح لحمل السيف، وذبح الأعداء؟ The Gospel is one or four? الانجيل واحد ام اربعة؟ why was the gospel w...
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Topics Index of Life of Faith Ministry Teaching Videos

 For easier access to the Topic of the Life of Faith Ministry Videos on YouTube:  Doctrine:  Trinity:  Trinity Course Playlist (17 videos) Video 1:  Trinity 1: Introduction Video 2:  Trinity 2: The Underlying Principles Video 3:  Trinity 3: Some Bible verses that Call Jesus God (1/3) Video 4:  Trinity 4: Some Bible verses that call Jesus God - John 1: 1(2/3) Video 5:  Trinity 5: some Bible verses that call Jesus God - Deeper Look (3/3) Video 6:  Trinity 6: Old Testament Verses quoted about Jesus 1-6 Video 7:  Trinity 7: Old Testament Verses quoted about Jesus 7-12 Video 8:  Trinity 08 - Jesus is Kurios/YHWH and the great "I AM   Video 9:  Trinity 09 Jesus is the Almighty, king of kings, and more Video 10:  Trinity 10 Jesus is one with the father, the Lord of the Church Video 11:  Trinity 11 Answering accusations against the Deity of Christ Video 12:  Trinity 12 Answering accusations that Jesus is a crea...

The Gehenna that Jesus Spoke About (Brief Introduction)

When Jesus was speaking of "age-lasting punishment/purification" (wrongly translated "everlasting punishment") in Gehenna, He was addressing a topic very well known by his Jewish community, and the fake teaching of Eternal Conscious Torment is a perversion of that teaching...  The Valley of Hinnom (Ge-Hinnom)in 1900 (Wikipedia) One of the major Mistakes that Christians do, is try to understand the words of Jesus outside the cultural and linguistic context of the community in which Jesus lived. One of these words is the word Gehenna (wrongly translated to English as Hell in many translations). In Jewish traditions, Gehenna was a place where sinners go for 12 months. there they are either punished or purified, and after that, though their bodies vanish, their souls are then reunited with God in Ganna, the paradise of the book of Genesis. In the Targum (The ancient Aramaic paraphrased translation of the Old Testament), the term Gehenna is added to several ...

Equality and Difference: In an Age Where Everything is Mixed Up

Recently I have somehow been accused by some friends sometimes by being a racist, other times as a person who stands against Social Justice, and I am viewed by many liberals as someone whose opinions should be just dismissed because it is too fanatic. Some of the comments I received just outraged me, so I had to write the below to clarify once and for all my views on racism, human and social equality and some views on current world events. All Humans are born equal: I stand firm in my belief that all humans, regardless of any innate, genetic, hereditary stuff they inherited through their DNA, are all equal, and that beyond and regardless of their skin color or eye looks (for our brother and sisters of Asian races), gender, sexual orientation, nationality we are share in the same divine Breath, that the Bible speaks about when God Breathed into ADAM (the Human Race) a breath of life. The human spirit is the same and the divine feature in each and every one of us is equal and thu...

What I believe- 1- : The Holy Bible

I hold to the confession of faith below, which reflects my current understanding, not infallible in any sense, but just a reflection of the revelation I reached up till this day. I am faithful to preach and teach what God has revealed to me with all zeal and love, without being closed to a wider understanding that God might reveal in the future. 1.     I believe in the Holy Bible, the written form of the word of God, which is a message and not a book. The Bible is the Gospel as presented by the early Church, through the apostles and those who had proven Apostolic authority or pseudo-Authority as in some minor books of the New Testament. 2.     I believe the Bible is inspired by God and is infallible, still our interpretation of it is not. Thus, an understanding of the Bible might Change, as we increase in our knowledge and understanding. I believe that the interpretation of the Bible should not always be literal, but rather depend on the Literary ...

To Maya Fe: What About "Aionios"?!!!

Dear Maya, First let me tell you that I have went through the article that you shared on Facebook, and read every word of it, and looked at it in a scientific & logical manner. Notes:  Much of the below information is taken from the book "Hope Beyond Hell" by "Gerry Beauchemin" , and direct extracts from several articles available online at the website:  If you are interested to further study the subject, I invite you to visit the  all these websites to get deeper insight on the subject. What are you trying to Prove? The writer of the article you shared tried to prove that the Greek words "Aion" and "Aionios" - Which are usually translated "Eternal" and "Everlasting" both mean ever and everlasting somehow exclusively in the Bible, and especially in the new Testament and thus trying to prove that the "Punishment", and "Torment", which are menti...