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Equality and Difference: In an Age Where Everything is Mixed Up

Recently I have somehow been accused by some friends sometimes by being a racist, other times as a person who stands against Social Justice, and I am viewed by many liberals as someone whose opinions should be just dismissed because it is too fanatic.
Some of the comments I received just outraged me, so I had to write the below to clarify once and for all my views on racism, human and social equality and some views on current world events.
All Humans are born equal:
I stand firm in my belief that all humans, regardless of any innate, genetic, hereditary stuff they inherited through their DNA, are all equal, and that beyond and regardless of their skin color or eye looks (for our brother and sisters of Asian races), gender, sexual orientation, nationality we are share in the same divine Breath, that the Bible speaks about when God Breathed into ADAM (the Human Race) a breath of life. The human spirit is the same and the divine feature in each and every one of us is equal and thus no race or color or gender should brag or pride for being born with certain “privileges” whatsoever.
I hold to my Universalist Views that at the end of the Current AEON (Age), God will unite to himself all the human race, as his divine Bride (symbolically OK!!!), and will thus the divine family will be together forever in total Universal Harmony, that is what the Bible calls heaven.

Equal but different:
Though the above applies, I still believe that people are different, even genetically. There are people with High IQ, and those with Low IQ, those with Criminal tendencies more than others (Any Biologist: Please Confirm this to me, as I heard it and read about it a lot, but need further references. Is it scientifically Undeniable?) Those who are better physically build than others, others who tend to be intellectual… though there is no exclusive race that can claim any of the above, but we can obviously see trends, and I believe that this is the reason for stereotypes, as people’s senses and brain build trends, and that is a fact that all humans experience, and even psychologists use that in their treatment of certain cases. I used to study that in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
As a result, I am not a sexist if I think that men fit more in the military forces than females. It is just a trend. It is not exclusive, as you find brave women fighters, and these should be included and never excluded, but still if I stereotype that military army people are Men, please do not kill me, my brain does it unintentionally and without any attempt to offend anybody. So please do not politically correct me. 

Not all Behaviors and schools of thought are equal:
I hold to my belief that not all behaviors are equal. There is good and evil, and though there are social factors that might be considered good in one society and good in another, there are universal ethical values that all humanity adheres to.
I was listening to Ravi Zacharias recently, and he mentioned answered the question of good and evil by asking the person who was asking the following:
“Is sexually assaulting a 3 month old baby good or evil?” and if you do not agree on the answer to the mentioned question, then I believe there is another “Evil” that I will call good, and that is: killing you. J
I do not consider any idea that does not lead to the betterment of human life good. And I consider everything that steals, Kills and destroys human life evil.  So I do not consider all religions equal, I do not consider an atheist equal to the believer (an atheist can be better in certain cases, but still not equal). And I do not believe that even within the same religion all ideas or schools of thought are equal.
Thus, for humanity to live in peace, keeping the differences aside, all schools of thought need to agree on basic human rights which all should respect. The UN did something in that direction, but it failed because politicians and governments do not and will never represent all the world population. (I personally do not believe that it will ever happen, except under the divine interference, which the Bible calls the second coming of Jesus Christ, but still go ahead and try and I am sure the people who belong to my school of thought will not be the ones to disagree on the basic human rights).

In my next article/ status, I will address my view on Social Justice and discuss my views on the world economics. 


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