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It is amazing how good-hearted believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ tend to believe that God is a Loser... He lost in Eden, when men fell in sin, he Lost again time after time after time when the world went astray. Even when Jesus came to earth, He lost his Life to save humanity, and in their opinion He only restored a few (a maximum would be 10% of the world, who claim to be born again). Even nowadays, the Loss is repeated day after day with the defeated mentality of some.

But wait a minute. God is no loser. He is an over-comer. He created the whole world to be His. when man sinned, He still loved him and announced the coming victory, the Seed of the Women will crush the serpent's Head. Across history, He announced in His word that Salvation is near, His kingdom is near... and then when time came, He died on the cross to crush death, and removed the sting of Hades and Death. 

Christ rose from the Grave to give life to all those that Adam gave death, to save ALL. Some will discover their salvation in this world and enjoy the Abundant life of it, while others will live in darkness, not seeing their Salvation in front of their eyes, still the judgement Day will come, and this is the Judgement: the Light came into the world and people loved the darkness rather than the light (John 3: 19), but then the light will shine, and all people will see the salvation of the Lord. All men will be saved. Hell will be dumped in the Pit, Death will die, and life will take over every soul. 

and They say "Free Will". What about Free Will?!! Will is based on our knowledge and our knowledge is incomplete, so how can God judge us with our free will?!!!

Yes, you have the will in this life to choose what you consider is good for you. but then it will only show that the best plans that you have or in no better situation than what God intended for you, so you will reach a level of Eternal understanding that All goodness comes from the source of goodness, Ultimate Father of All. 

All you have to do is to understand that God Just loves you, He saved you and wants you to enjoy your life, and He knows how to lead you their, that's why He gave you the Bible. Read it with a new understanding of His love and Enjoy the trip of Health and wealth, success and satisfaction. God really loves you. 


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