It is getting clearer by the second that the riots and
incidents that are taking place as a result of the release of the “Innocense of
Muslims” Movies trailer are pre-organized and politically motivated incidents.
The US ambassador in Lybia was killed not as a result of protests getting out
of hand, but rather as an organized attack of Al Qaeda who made sure it falls
on September 11, to remind the Americans of September 11, 2001.
Now, viewing all this, I am seriously outraged at the direction
things took recently and the hypocrisy shown in media and by politicians.
The movie is stupid and I personally
do not endorse it or its content in addition to its worst movie production ever…
and there are much more serious videos that attack Islam on the web. As a
result I do not see that the reaction done is spontaneous, but rather
pre-arranged and timed for political targets from those who led these riots.
I believe in the ultimate
freedom of speech. You can say whatever you want; I might agree with you or
disagree… Thus you are allowed to think, believe and say whatever you want,
subject to not enforcing this on me and forcing me to see it.
Religion should always be
subject to criticism, and should not be exempted from analysis, opinions and
peaceful expression of disagreement.
The call for a UN
resolution to forbid any action that insults religion or religious figures is nonsense.
What we need is more freedom to allow people to think outside the box and not
to limit thinking.
From where I see it, the
riots that took place are rather supporting the movie and not opposing it, as
with the pictures that we see on TV, the rioters are proving that they are
un-civilized people who think that burning your cities and destroying your streets
is a defense of your prophet.
As to the US views, I see
Obama’s response stupid. Did the US government finance this stupid movie? No.
then why should Obama apologize and for what? Instead USA should have promoted
the truth about the movie: The riots are arranged and not spontaneous, the
movie has been there since July but no one took action till September 11,
Freedom of Speech is absolute and should be given Equally to Muslims,
Christians, Jews as well as atheists and any other faith or lack of it.
If Obama is to apologize,
why he did not apologize for the ART Gallery in New York that pictures a
Crucifix wrapped by the artist’s Urine?!!! That is extremely insulting to us
Christians. We did not kill any US ambassador or destroy our cities… but we are
eligible for an apology from Obama as well.
I can write more and more about this, still I do not think
the stupidity taking place around us is worth more “precious” time from my
See you around guys.
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