It has been a while since I first decided to write about
this idea that has been going around in my head. But, as a Bible student aware
of end time prophecies in both the Old and New testaments, I can’t but say
how I see the link between the days that we live in and the end of this age. Therefore,
it is a time to speak my words load.

I see a western world that has forsaken God to the level that
its Atheists are forbidding the use of the word “Christ-mas” in public (because
of its religious Indication), while their countries fall in economic disasters,
with greed, hate, drugs and crime ruling the scene. They banned the teaching of
the Bible (the word of Love) at their schools, while guns and drugs took over
and murders “unheard of before” are now common in school campuses.
In the same west, some minorities rule moral majorities, and
even if you believe that a certain minority is causing damage to society and triggering
hate within it to destroy it, such as fundamentalist Muslims in England and
Austria, you are accused of intolerance and discrimination, though the tools
you are using are only awareness-related peaceful tools to sound the alarm.
At the same time, I see the Middle East, where the same
western systems are supporting fundamentalism that kills minorities and terminates
whole societies. These Arab systems that attack religious freedom and the right
of conversion to another religion, spread hate against others and consider them
“monkeys and pigs”. It is these people who brag by killing others in front of
TV cameras and consider themselves servants of God, (and which God is this who
calls people to kill?).
The Bible mentions that just before God destroyed Sodom and
Gomorrah, He says “The Outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great, and
their sin is grievous” (Genesis 18: 20 TNIV), then the destruction came. And
I believe with the Cry of the widows and orphans of the people being killed in
the name of Allah, and the lives wasted into destruction because of the
carelessness of the west will definitely be heard by the true God, YHWH, and
then destruction of this world will come, to be replaced by a New Earth and New
Heaven where the Righteous One, Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, who called
people only to love, and not to hold the Sword, will rule over the earth. Then and
only then, “Wolves and lambs will graze together, Lions and Oxen will feed
on straw, snakes will eat only dirt! They won’t bite or harm anyone on my holy
mountain. I, the LORD, have spoken!”(Prophet Isaiah 66: 25).
I end up this by crying with the early Christians: “Maran
Atha” (Come Lord Jesus), cause I believe soon this cry will be heard, and
the one who came as a Child in Bethlehem of Judea 2000 years ago to save, will
come riding on a white horse to destroy those who destroyed Humanity in the
coming battle of Armageddon, cause “the LORD has spoken”.
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