I am amazed at the tendencies in public blogs and media, and the way they deal with such issues similar to the Boston bombings.
I was reading some comments on some news that came out earlier today that the two suspects are Muslim, and then I read an attack on Christianity and Christians claiming that it is the same whether you are a Muslim or a Christian, you can be somebody who does similar action, and practice violent acts in the name of religion.
I am not here to attack Islam or Muslims nor to defend them, as it is Muslim's role to prove the innocence of Islam from such actions and condemning it by word and by deed. Still I am fed up of such garbage being thrown in the face of Christians, and I am fed up with the aggressiveness against Christianity that I am seeing recently in the secular media.

1. Jesus Called Us to Love Our Enemies, not kill them:
Jesus clearly said:"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 4: 44) and when Peter, one of His disciples, took a sword and cut the ear of a person who was attacking them, Jesus miraculously healed the ear and told Peter "Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword" (Matthew 26: 52).
2. Jesus was an Example in Peacefulness:
Jesus did not kill a single person the whole of his earthly life. There is no mention of him carrying a sword, or using one, and He did not call people to use physical arms. Rather the Bible considered that those who carry swords are "transgressors" (Luke 22: 36-37).
3. Jesus Called Christians to abide by the Law of their countries:
Jesus always called his disciples to give to Caesar what is Caesar's. Bearing in mind that Caesar was an occupying power of the Jewish people at that time, we clearly see that Jesus promoted peaceful solutions and never supported Violence.
Paul the apostle followed the same legacy, by calling Christians to pay taxes, even to a pagan government, and pray for the king and the rulers (though from a religious standpoint they were pagan).
4. Jesus never adopted Old Testament Violence, and considered it "imperfect" that needed perfection:
Some accusations come to Christians due to Old Testament Quotes, still it should be clearly stated that Christ never adopted or approved Old Testament violent procedures. Instead He clearly stated that His guidance is superior to that of the Old Testament (read the whole Chapter of Matthew 5 and you can see how he raised the Mark and lifted up the requiremtned that were available at the time. For example, he said (In Matthew 5):
38 You know that you have been taught, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” 39But I tell you not to try to get even with a person who has done something to you. When someone slaps your right cheek, turn and let that person slap your other cheek. 40If someone sues you for your shirt, give up your coat as well. 41If a soldier forces you to carry his pack one kilometre, carry it two kilometres.
These are just a few thoughts that I share with you, but if I dig further, I am sure I can find tens of reasons as well as Biblical verses to share with you.
For a person to be able to use the Christian faith as a cover up for any violent action will require a lot of work of twisting and brainwashing and manipulation with such Biblical verses calling for Peace-fullness and Love. And definitely Christianity can never be blamed for promoting hate, discrimination or any form of violence.

In conclusion, Real Christianity and the teachings of Christ cannot be accused of promoting violence of terror, and Christianity can't be compared to other religions whatsoever... Enough is enough.
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