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Why I believe in Universal Salvation?

After years of being a conservative Evangelical Christian, I now call myself, a Christian Universalist. Let me first explain what I mean by Christian Universalism, and then I will give you a few reasons why I feel led by God prophetically to become a Universalist, and the logical reasons for Universalism.

Christian Universalism is the concept that God, through Christ's redemption, will save All people, whether they believe in Him in their earthly life or not. and I clearly adopted the Idea of Universalism, because:

1. Hell, with its everlasting fire which extends millions and millions of unending years is not a fair punishment for human sins, no matter how huge are these sins. It shows even more, if the only difference between these "sinners" and the "saved" is that they never properly heard of God's Love and Mercy.

2. If God did not intend to save all the people, why did he create them all, with His Fore-knowledge of all future deeds, and can't see any love in a god who creates people knowing already that they will end up in hell forever and ever.

3. I believe that Jesus death was to save ALL people, not some. and though He requested faith in Him, it is because He knows how much such faith will give them hope and love in such a hopeless and loveless world, delivered by humans to the devil and his agents to kill and destroy, but for a period.

4. I believe that the universe is currently  not 100% under the rule of the Loving God, which is the reason why we see all the pain and suffering surrounding us, but that the True God of Love has a different end for the Human story full of Joy and happiness, and not only to the few select elite, but to the whole humanity.

5. I believe that God's Initial Plan for Humanity is to Unite Humanity to the Divine in a Wedding (called in the book of revelation "Marriage Supper of the Lamb") and in this wedding, God will unite the Universe of Human life to the Life of the Son, Jesus Christ. Paul describes this process as a reconciliation process in which God reconciles (more properly translated "gather") "to himself all things, whether on earth or in Heaven, making peace by the blood of His Cross" (Colossians 1: 20 ESV)

6. I believe that the just judgement that God will pass on all creation is a "corrective" punishment. Once the "day" or season of judgement is over, both hell and death will be thrown in fire, and will end there.

7. I believe that there will be a day when evil will just cease to exist, and not be restricted to a real place where pain, agony and evil still be stored, and kept under the flag of continuous punishment.  At the same time, I do not believe in the annihilation of sinners, as I believe that the human spirit, is eternal, since it carries the breath of the Eternal Divine.


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