Can you imagine that
an iPhone video message can destroy a Church? Not any Church but a movement
that has been able to win the heart and soul of Protestant & Evangelical
Christianity in less than a 100 years. I never imagined it would be that way, but
it seems that the Pentecostals are drifting away from the truth at full speed,
and the trigger is what? An iPhone video recorded by the Roman Catholic Pope
What's Happening at the Vatican?
Recently a lot of remarkable events have been closely monitored and covered by observers and media. The Vatican has been smoke screening its murderous, sexually abusive history with the election of a new celebrity, Pope Francis. Rumors are filling the social media, the Pope is portrayed as humanitarian, richness-rejecting/ an advocate of the poor. Even some false statements that circulated over the social media went so far to claim that he is being gay friendly … Also, the Pope is reported to be calling people, just normal people, at the ends of the earth to give them words of comfort, caring for the poor, kissing a deformed person on his head… etc.
Recently a lot of remarkable events have been closely monitored and covered by observers and media. The Vatican has been smoke screening its murderous, sexually abusive history with the election of a new celebrity, Pope Francis. Rumors are filling the social media, the Pope is portrayed as humanitarian, richness-rejecting/ an advocate of the poor. Even some false statements that circulated over the social media went so far to claim that he is being gay friendly … Also, the Pope is reported to be calling people, just normal people, at the ends of the earth to give them words of comfort, caring for the poor, kissing a deformed person on his head… etc.
Are all of these true?
Or just a media cover up and white washing of the already stained image of the
Catholic Church? Observing the trend, I believe these are not random events, but rather an orchestrated marketing campaign, highly organised and financed by the Vatican, removing the unpopular Pope Benedict IV, beatifying the late popular pope John Paul II and introducing a new popular character, Pope Francis...What about the hundreds (and I believe they are thousands) of Children
that were raped and molested by Catholic clergy? What about the endorsement of
murder by the Catholic Church, not long ago, just a little bit more than 50
years ago, during the world war II. Even more recently, priests and nuns carried
weapons in Rwanda and participated in the ethnic cleansing. What about the Pagan doctrine promoted by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy?!
The Fall of Word of Life - Sweden in the Trap
Here is Ulf Ekman, the person who was my Bible teacher for a whole academic year between years 1999 & 2000. He converted to Roman Catholicism, and his decision was confirmed to him “by a prophetic word” of someone who attended the famous meeting when Kenneth Copeland showed the video that the pope recorded calling for unity among Christians.
Here is Ulf Ekman, the person who was my Bible teacher for a whole academic year between years 1999 & 2000. He converted to Roman Catholicism, and his decision was confirmed to him “by a prophetic word” of someone who attended the famous meeting when Kenneth Copeland showed the video that the pope recorded calling for unity among Christians.
Can we base our life
on a prophetic word? This is not what the great teacher Kenneth E. Hagin taught,
but this is what his students (both Copeland and Ekman) drifted into after his
death. What a shame!! Where is the truth? Where is the Sola Scriptura? Sola
I remember during one
of the teaching sessions which were recorded for TV, Ulf Ekman said “I would
not dare kiss Mary, she is married to Joseph”… Now he is a Catholic, probably praying “Hail
Mary, Mother of God…”, giving to her what evangelicals give only to God, and
even more, maybe kissing her Statue.What is the cause he is promoting with this step? Unity!!
But which unity are
the Pentecostals rushing into? What are the basis of this unity? An iPhone
Video? Did the Pope recant the doctrine of Papal Infallibility? Did he recant
the Trent resolutions which “Anathema-ized” anyone who believes anything that
evangelicals stand for. What are the pillars of this unity? A few false
prophets who flourish in the Pentecostal atmospheres where everyone says “the
Lord told me”? Where does this unity stand related to the Bible?
Is this "Catholic-phobia"?
Though I might seem
very judgmental in the above, but believe me I am far from judgmental. I just
feel that I am seeing all the prophecies of the Book of revelation come alive
in front of my eyes. The end is near and “Babylon the great” will flourish and
control the minds of people. The devil will appear in a sheep’s cloth. The Devil
will try to deceive even the elect.
Saying so, some people might accuse me of hate towards Catholics. But it is not true. I have no issues with Catholics. Like any other religion, Catholic individuals are merely decent people who trust and believe whatever their Church teaches. Mostly they have been born and taught these teachings, and it is hard for them to doubt and see the grave problems of their belief-system introduced to them by the Vatican as the "original Christianity" which is older than any other recently discovered faith. Definitely, Catholics are not told that their faith is as far from the Biblical Christianity as paganism is. Catholicism is the only face of Christianity that they know. I believe our loving Father God with His ultimate mercy will accept them, as he does towards all others.
Still I have major concerns related to the Roman Catholic Clergy and hierarchy, which is corrupt and sometimes even can be called "evil". The way they dealt with the Child Abuse cases prove that this system is keen to keep a good image more than it is concerned with the victims. Their decisions are politically motivated, that even a person who opposes the conspiracy theory, like me, will believe that there is something fishy about how decisions are taken within this secretive structure.
Saying so, some people might accuse me of hate towards Catholics. But it is not true. I have no issues with Catholics. Like any other religion, Catholic individuals are merely decent people who trust and believe whatever their Church teaches. Mostly they have been born and taught these teachings, and it is hard for them to doubt and see the grave problems of their belief-system introduced to them by the Vatican as the "original Christianity" which is older than any other recently discovered faith. Definitely, Catholics are not told that their faith is as far from the Biblical Christianity as paganism is. Catholicism is the only face of Christianity that they know. I believe our loving Father God with His ultimate mercy will accept them, as he does towards all others.
Still I have major concerns related to the Roman Catholic Clergy and hierarchy, which is corrupt and sometimes even can be called "evil". The way they dealt with the Child Abuse cases prove that this system is keen to keep a good image more than it is concerned with the victims. Their decisions are politically motivated, that even a person who opposes the conspiracy theory, like me, will believe that there is something fishy about how decisions are taken within this secretive structure.
Drifting Away
Word of Life Church in Uppsala - Sweden did not excommunicate its founder, but he is still going to speak in the seminars. What a shame! What a fall! Should I lament the Pentecostal Church? Principals are gone, the truth is now based on a prophetic word of an idiot, they follow the leader wherever he leads them and the Bible is the last to be consulted.
Word of Life Church in Uppsala - Sweden did not excommunicate its founder, but he is still going to speak in the seminars. What a shame! What a fall! Should I lament the Pentecostal Church? Principals are gone, the truth is now based on a prophetic word of an idiot, they follow the leader wherever he leads them and the Bible is the last to be consulted.
It seems the great apostasy is
near, but the truth also will still be revealed. For God is good and his mercy endures
forever. Though Darkness will cover the earth, and great Darkness the nations,
but on us, who believe in God in Spirit and in truth, his light will shine upon
I hope the above will not be understood as an attack on the Pentecostal Church, which is still, in my opinion, the most vibrant, active and strong Church, with its actual roots extending to the book of acts. I write the above, because I am jealous at the precious Church that has impacted my life positively more than any other Church. But I am afraid that what God started on good ground is being diverted into a shadow Church of Babylon the great. People of God! Do not be deceived by Babylon the great, though it looks like a sheep (Christ),
its voice is like a dragon, its teachings are demonic, calling for Spiritual
Prostitution, i.e. the worship of other than the one triune God.
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