It is simple: people are getting away from religion and searching for spirituality. Why? Because people with awareness, those who read the news everyday and look at least a little farther than that, can realize that religion (or the abuse of it) is the reason behind several wars which are taking place around the world, even in our days. One can definitely argue that it is not religion, but people who are using religion as a cover up for their selfish greed or ambition. and I cannot agree more. Still, I can't deny that several religious beliefs and dogma have been the driving force behind violence led by the naive, thinking that by killing others who differ from them, in their religious background, or even race or color, they are doing a favor to "God". At least religious beliefs have left space for such violence and inhuman behaviors, if not promoted it firsthand. Therefore, and since people have been searching anywhere other than the traditional religions, we see a tr...
Living your ultimate good Life in harmony with God and Nature...