Around three years ago I become a Universalist, believing that all people, by God's utmost Grace, will end up reconciled with God in a Heaven-symbolized situation after the Judgement day. Gehenna, originally a literal place in the suburbs of Jerusalem, is a symbol of a persons situation outside the circle of God's love. But every person who did not experience death with Christ, who passed through hell on the Cross for us, will go through the judgement day, in which he/she will stand before God's "White" throne, to experience the purification through Christ at the Throne of God. Then we all, good and evil, will end up in unity with the God of the Universe, in the heavenly wedding between God and Men.
Now some people still ask me, and does not your Universalism indicate that all ways will lead to heaven? Does it mean that all religions are equally good, and all roads lead to Rome? How can you reconcile your Universalism with the concept of evangelism, the testimony for the Christian faith and the role of the Church...
I believe the above questions are the most important questions to be asked over a lifetime. what is our role?why are we here? why did Jesus establish His Church? How can the Church restore its Role, the initial one intended by Jesus?
Actually, this blog can only serve as an introduction to the answer and not the answer itself. I believe that at some point I will be able to express my views in a book and in Arabic. but for the time being, just let me clarify some points:
I believe the Bible:The Bible, mainly the message of the new covenant, is and will always be the Word of God, reflecting what is best for the human being. No other book contains such a deep message of love, reconciliation and tolerance as the book of Jesus Christ.
Even the passages that seem to some as controversial, once looked at with a deep sense of Revelation Knowledge, will be integrated with the whole message into a balanced message of God's Unlimited and Unconditional Love.
I believe in Jesus: Jesus is God, equal to the Father, and the Holy Spirit, God almighty and Man superior. Superior to all prophets, teachers and miracle workers in the world. His mighty words are incomparable with the wise of this world.
I believe in the Cross and Resurrection: as a result, the Only Way to the salvation of the human race is through the redemption prepared by the Cross. Jesus is the only way, truth and life.
It is through the cross of Jesus that all people are saved, and reconciled with God and with each other. Still there is another aspect of the Gospel (good news) that people have not looked into deeply: i.e. the impact of Christ and his teachings on the daily life of people. Jesus said: "I came that they might have Life and have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)
Jesus is a necessity for the best of human race. In Him people reach a higher level of God's Knowledge. Just meditate in His words at the sermon on the mount, and see the depth of human experience that a person can reach by deeply understanding these words. Just imagine if all people from all nationalities and races, backgrounds and religions decide to follow one rule: "Love your enemies..." How much deeper can we go? meditating in the words of Jesus will take you to an everlasting fountain of God's knowledge.
(To be continued)
That's how I can reconcile my Universalism and my Christianity.
Jesus is Lord.

I believe the above questions are the most important questions to be asked over a lifetime. what is our role?why are we here? why did Jesus establish His Church? How can the Church restore its Role, the initial one intended by Jesus?
Actually, this blog can only serve as an introduction to the answer and not the answer itself. I believe that at some point I will be able to express my views in a book and in Arabic. but for the time being, just let me clarify some points:
I believe the Bible:The Bible, mainly the message of the new covenant, is and will always be the Word of God, reflecting what is best for the human being. No other book contains such a deep message of love, reconciliation and tolerance as the book of Jesus Christ.
Even the passages that seem to some as controversial, once looked at with a deep sense of Revelation Knowledge, will be integrated with the whole message into a balanced message of God's Unlimited and Unconditional Love.
I believe in Jesus: Jesus is God, equal to the Father, and the Holy Spirit, God almighty and Man superior. Superior to all prophets, teachers and miracle workers in the world. His mighty words are incomparable with the wise of this world.
I believe in the Cross and Resurrection: as a result, the Only Way to the salvation of the human race is through the redemption prepared by the Cross. Jesus is the only way, truth and life.
It is through the cross of Jesus that all people are saved, and reconciled with God and with each other. Still there is another aspect of the Gospel (good news) that people have not looked into deeply: i.e. the impact of Christ and his teachings on the daily life of people. Jesus said: "I came that they might have Life and have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)
Jesus is a necessity for the best of human race. In Him people reach a higher level of God's Knowledge. Just meditate in His words at the sermon on the mount, and see the depth of human experience that a person can reach by deeply understanding these words. Just imagine if all people from all nationalities and races, backgrounds and religions decide to follow one rule: "Love your enemies..." How much deeper can we go? meditating in the words of Jesus will take you to an everlasting fountain of God's knowledge.
(To be continued)
That's how I can reconcile my Universalism and my Christianity.
Jesus is Lord.
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