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What Religion failed to tell you regarding Sin...

Evidently, with all the failures of religion to reflect the true nature of God, it has actually failed the most in explaining good and evil, halal and haram, sin and virtue.

Clergy has depicted God as a being who is impacted by human sin. They say that God is angry with Sin, "God hates sin, but loves the Sinner". The wrath of God is against sin... All these terms are found in a way or another in the Bible, and they reflect a 2000 year old belief which is rooted in Christian churches as well as in other religions. But really?!  Is God really impacted by sin?

The belief that God is impacted by sin is contradictory to one of the major principles of theology which states that God is unchangable, "without body, parts, or passions, immutable..." (per the Presbyterian Creed) and has no emotional changes since he is independent and does not need humans to be Him. How can God hate sin if its existence or lack of it will not impact him in whatever case, and will not add any emotion (positive or negative) to his existence?!!!

 What do we understand? It seems that Sin has no impact whatsoever on God, and it seems that terms used in the Bible to describe the reaction of God towards sin, and the sinners, are mere metaphors, and figures of speech stemming from a 2000 year old culture.

You might start thinking: where are you getting? what is your point? Here it is:
Religion has failed to tell us that God's only concern in expressing the idea of good and evil in His Holy book is man's best. Jesus Explicitly indicated that truth, but the blindness of religion prevented people from understanding this truth. If you just read the words of Jesus when He said in Mark 2:27  "The sabbath came into being for man's sake, and not man for the sabbath's sake." 

If theologians understand this verse, they would have a totally different concept of sin.  Sin is measured by its negative impact on human beings. Humans are the target, their welfare, health and happiness. If you just get to understand this, then:
- Your view of God's Love will drastically change positively.
- Your view of sin and Righteousness will change and you will be less judgmental and more flexible.
- Your view of punishment will change, and the concept of Gehenna/Hell will be modified related to this mere metaphor.
- The way you read God's Word, the Bible, will change, and instead of taking the literal sense of words, you will start to see the message that God really intended for the Book.

The above is just an introduction that hopefully will lead you to think.


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